What’s So Funny about Plato’s Lysis?
Isidora Tolić
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the sources of comedy in Plato’s dialogue Lysis. We shall examine elements of this dialogue comparable to those in comic drama and approach Lysis from the viewpoint of the incongruence theory. This dialogue centres on Socrates’ attempt to teach his friend Ctesippus the proper way of conversing with his favourite. On account of that, he converses with Lysis on love and friendship, while Ctesippus observes in secret. Several elements of Lysis stand out for their similarity to the motives found in comedy – the depiction of Ctesippus’ feelings and his lovesick behaviour, his hiding and excited reactions during the conversation with Lysis, and the scene with drunken slaves near the end of the dialogue. These can be compared to their equivalents in Menander’s Dyskolos and Perikeiromene, Aristophanes’ Knights, and Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing. Humour derived from incongruity can be seen during the discussion on love and benefit when Socrates’ questions and Lysis’ answers imply the feasibility of inappropriate or impossible scenarios.
Keywords: incongruence, humour, gradatio, unreliable narrator, comedy
Температурне метафоре у римској комедији
Јелена Вукојевић
Апстракт: Циљ овог рада је анализа фигуративне употребе температур- них термина у латинском језику. У оквиру овог истраживања посебна пажња је посвећена метафорама у римској комедији, која је хронолошки први књижевни корпус и по својој природи веома склона фигуративном језику. Притом, метафоре топлог и хладног понајвише описују веома снажна осећања, губитак контроле, досаду и незаинтересованост — честе појаве у комичкој обради.
Кључне речи: метафора, римска комедија, температура, топло и хладно
Читајући наново туђа писма : Митски свет Овидијевих Хероида
Гордан Маричић, Жељка Шајин, Мирјана Тодоровић
Апстракт: У овом раду настојимо да прикажемо сву специфичност епистоларног стваралаштва Публија Овидија Назона које је настало под утицајем митова, али и дела из грчке и римске књижевности. Наша пажња ће бити усмерена на утицаје Хомера, Софокла, Еурипида и Вергилија, на тон и карактер писама у Хероидама (Легендарним љубавницама). Видећемо како је Овидије осећања својствена елегији пренео у своја фиктивна писма.
Кључне речи: Публије Овидије Назон, Хероиде, епистоларна традиција, митске хероине, елегија, драма, реторика.
Three notes on Petronius
Vojin Nedeljković
Abstract: The author discusses, firstly, Petr. 61.7 benemoria (a conjectural reading which has won universal acceptance) in connexion with an African inscription in mosaic; secondly, he adduces new parallels to Petr. 43.8 olim oliorum “for quite a while”; thirdly, he discusses the form and meaning of Petr. 52.4 and .6 nugax.
Keywords: Vulgar Latin, Hapaxes in Petronius.
Les thérapeutiques « populaires » dans la médecine impériale : formes et fonctions d’unetransgression
Divna Soleil
Résumé : Cette contribution a pour but de rapprocher les thérapies « populaires » présentes dans l’œuvre d’Arétée de Cappadoce de celles que l’on trouve dans les traités médicaux latins. Ce rapprochement nous permettra de réfléchir sur les formes et fonctions que ce type de thérapies pouvait avoir d’un côté chez les auteurs médicaux de langue latine et de l’autre chez ceux qui s’exprimaient en grec. Au niveau du contenu en effet, Arétée est, dans le cas de l’épilepsie, très proche de Celse et de Scribonius Largus, mais il s’en écarte fortement pour ce qui est du style et de ce que l’on peut deviner des raisons l’ayant poussé à consigner par écrit les thérapies relevant de la magie. Nous proposons d’y voir à la fois la volonté de s’inscrire sans ambiguïté dans la continuité de la médecine classique, définie entre autres par son rejet de la magie, et la manifestation du goût d’Arétée pour les images fortes susceptibles d’enrichir la puissance visuelle de son texte.
Mots-clefs : médecine ancienne, thérapie populaire, Arétée de Cappadoce, Celse, Scribonius Largus.
Plotinus ‒ the Author of the Notion of Development?
Marija Gmitrović
Abstract: While investigating the origin of the notion of development in Greek, I came across some inconsistent information in dictionaries. The putative Plotinus’ authorship of the term of development as we know it seemed implausible because of a fifteen-century gap between the attestations, so I decided to look at Plotinus’ own text and see for myself how he used the questionable verb ἐξελίσσω. After conducting a thorough analysis of Plotinus language on a philological level, I came to the conclusion that Plotinus’ usage of the verb ἐξελίσσω is certainly original, but quite different from the modern one. Besides this one, there are a few more verbs in a similar semantic field that Plotinus uses rather differently, as it is shown in the present contribution. The subtlety of the original text was unfortunately lost in translation and the technical term ἐξελίσσω was not only left unrecognized as such, but it also suffered an insertion of unrelated and even anachronistic ideas later.
Keywords: Plotinus, philosophical terminology, translation, ἐξελίσσω, ἀναπτύσσω, ἀνελίσσω, the notion of development.
Some remarks on the history of ἔχω with infinitive
Il Akkad
Abstract: The ἔχω + infinitive construction has a long, interesting and contentious history. Its use as a future periphrasis has been examined time and again in the past century and a half. The latest and most influential study of its history is the one by Th. Markopoulos. We have reexamined the works and documents written between Homer and the end of the 3rd century A.D. The resulting changes in the chronology of the passages containing this construction have led us to reevaluate its development.
Key words: ἔχω with infinitive, obligation, possibility, future in the past, Late Greek.
In the Middle of Renaissance Light and Inquisitorial Darkness:
Pere Miquel Carbonell’s Case
Ivana N. Arsić
Abstract: This study explores literary work of humanist and royal bureaucrat, Pere Miquel Carbonell, during the early Renaissance in Barcelona. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the individuality of Pere Miquel Carbonell, who was an ambivalent figure; a well-educated renaissance man, yet also an inquisitorial notary of the Barcelona Tribunal. The objectives of this paper are hence to address the seemingly contradictory duality in Carbonell’s literary opus as he shifted from humanistic writings to documenting bureaucratic inquisitorial proceedings, which were highly uncommon for this type of legal documents as they were filled with lines from Latin literature. Based on this analysis of the work of Carbonell, who was a prominent figure of his time, this paper will subsequently extrapolate the influence of humanism as a prevailing moment in Europe and depict the dark side of the heresy inquisition, whose causes and goals are still a matter of discussion among historians.
Key words: Pere Miquel Carbonell, heresy inquisition, Judeo-Conversas, Early Renaissance Barcelona, Catalan humanism, Satyricon, compurgation.