Lucida intervalla

Lucida intervalla is an international double blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scholarly research in all areas of Classical studies.


  • 2024-: Orsat Ligorio (Belgrade)
  • 2020-2023: Sandra Šćepanović (Belgrade)
  • 2018-2019: Boris Pendelj (Belgrade)
  • 2013-2017: Vojin Nedeljković (Belgrade)
  • 1998-2012: Marjanca Pakiž (Belgrade)

Editoral Board

  • Orsat Ligorio (Belgrade), editor-in-chief
  • Boris Pendelj (Belgrade), technical editor
  • Jelena Vukojević (Belgrade), secretary
  • Stephanie West (Oxford)
  • Daniel Marković (Cincinnati)
  • Aleksandar Loma (Belgrade)
  • Nenad Ristović (Belgrade)
  • Il Akkad (Belgrade)
  • Goran Vidović (Belgrade)
  • Dimitrija Rašljić (Belgrade)
  • Marina Andrijašević (Belgrade)

Upcoming Issue

53 (2024)

Calling for papers.

Submission deadline: Aug 31, 2024.

Editorial Guidelines | Uređivačke norme

Referee Report | Recenzentski list | Рецензентски лист


Published Issues

52/2 (2023)

52/1 (2023)

51 (2022)

50 (2021)

49 (2020)

48 (2019)

47 (2018)

46 (2017)

45 (2016)

44 (2015)

43 (2014)

42 (2013)

41 (2012)

40 (2011)

39 (2010)

38 (2009)

37 (2008)

36 (2007)

35 (2007)

33–4 (2006)

32 (2005)

31 (2005)

30 (2004)

29 (2004)

28 (2003)

27 (2003)

26 (2002)

25 (2002)

Special Editions

  1. Лигорио, Орсат. Праисторија грчког језика I. Београд: Филозофски факултет, 2022.
  2. Недељковић, Војин. Књига Постања по Седамдесеторици. Београд: Филозофски факултет — Центар за библијску филологију и херменеутику, 2023.


Established by members of the Department of Classics at the University of Belgrade in February 1998, during turbulent and confusing times, the journal’s name Lucida intervalla reflects the solace and enlightenment found in immersing oneself in the profession, meticulously reading and interpreting ancient texts. The original aim was to provide students of Classics and the general audience with reliable and current editions of significant yet untranslated Greek and Latin literary works, complete with introductions, original texts, translations, and comprehensive commentaries.

To date, the journal has published 52 regular issues and 2 special editions. Initially, the focus was on translating ancient texts, complemented by commentary, with contributions primarily in Serbian. However, over time, the journal transitioned to original scholarly research covering a wide range of topics within classical studies.

It now publishes previously unpublished original articles and scientific contributions, as well as reviews, announcements, and conference reports in Serbian (or Croatian), English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, and Russian, with the possibility of accepting contributions in other languages.

Manuscripts submitted in accordance with the journal’s scope and submission guidelines undergo a double-blind peer review process. This means that both the identities of the reviewers and authors are concealed from each other before, during, and after the review procedure. All references to the author’s name and institution are removed from the manuscript, which is then sent for blind reviews by two reviewers who are knowledgeable about the subject area but not affiliated with the same institution as the authors. Reviewers who have recently collaborated with the authors are ineligible.

Each selected reviewer receives a form with specific questions outlining the aspects to be evaluated for the decision to publish or reject the manuscript. Reviewers assess the manuscript for its alignment with the journal’s profile, the relevance of the topic and methods used, the originality and scientific significance of the information presented, as well as the presentation style and scholarly apparatus. Throughout the review process, reviewers act independently, and their identities are kept confidential. In cases where the decisions of the two reviewers differ (accept/reject), the Editor-in-Chief may assign the paper to additional reviewers.

Open Access Policy

Lucida intervalla is an Open Access Journal. All articles can be downloaded free of charge from the journal’s website. The online version of the journal is published simultaneously with the print version. All articles are Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The journal does not charge any fees at submission, reviewing, and production stages.

Lucida intervalla allows authors to deposit Publisher’s PDF in an institutional repository and non-commercial subject-based repositories or to publish it on Author’s personal website (including social networking sites, such as ResearchGate, Academia, etc.) and/or departmental website, at any time after publication. Full bibliographic information (author, article title, journal title, volume, issue and pagination) about the original publication must be provided.

See also